The Portland Clean Energy Fund has broad support from the City's businesses, faith leaders, elected officials, labor organizations, and more. Organizations led by people of color are at the helm of this important measure that will invest in job training, renewable energy upgrades, local food production, and more. Key community partners are also involved at the Steering Committee level. See below for a list of our community partners and click here if you'd like to add your endorsement of this historic measure. Click here to read the text of the measure.
Steering Committee
- 350 PDX
- Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
- Audubon Society of Portland
- Coalition of Communities of Color
- Columbia Riverkeeper
- NAACP Portland Branch 1120
- NAYA (Native Amercian Youth and Family Center)
- OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
- Oregon Chapter, Sierra Club
- Oregon PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibility)
- Verde
Community Organization & Business Endorsements
- International
- 47th Avenue Farm
- A&R Solar
- Abacus Energy
- Able Farms
- Accessory Dwellings Strategies
- AFSCME Local 189, 2505, 3336, 3580, and 88
- Alliance for Democracy
- Alpha Energy Savers
- Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757
- BCMC LLC Properties
- Beneficial State Bank
- Birdsmouth Construction
- Blossom Earthworks
- Botanica Floral Design
- Center for a Sustainable Economy
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Cha Cha Cha Taqueria
- Climate Action Coalition
- Climate Jobs PDX
- Climate Solutions
- Communitecture
- Community Alliance of Tenants
- Community Energy Project
- Constructing Hope
- Democratic Socialists of America (Portland Chapter)
- Depave
- Disability Rights Oregon
- Earth Advantage
- EcoFaith Recovery
- Elemental Energy
- Enhabit
- Environment Oregon
- Equal Exchange
- First Unitarian Portland - Community for Earth
- FMYI (for my innovation) Corporation
- Forest Park Conservancy
- Food and Water Watch
- Friends of Baltimore Woods
- Friends of Outdoor School
- Friends of Trees
- Good Energy Retrofit
- Green for All
- Green Hammer
- Green Lents
- Green Savers
- H.E.L.P.
- Hacienda CDC
- HELP/Create Plenty
- Home Performance Guild
- Hot Lips Pizza
- Human Access Project
- Human Solutions
- ILWU Local 5
- Imagine Energy
- Indow Window
- Ink Built Design
- Intelekia Law
- Jubilee Oregon
- Local Grocer
- Los Mayos Taqueria
- Mixteca Catering
- Monqui Presents
- Mudbone Grown
- Multnomah County Democratic Party
- National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 82
- National Association of Minority Contractors - Oregon
- Nature Connect Northwest
- Neighbors for Clean Air
- New Foods Market
- Onward Oregon
- Orange Splot
- Oregon Citizens' Utility Board (CUB)
- Oregon Consumer League
- Oregon Environmental Council
- Oregon Food Bank
- Oregon Latino Health Coalition
- Oregon League of Conservation Voters
- Our Children’s Trust
- Our Family Farms
- Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
- Passive House Northwest
- People-Places-Things
- Portland African American Leadership Forum (PAALF)
- Portland Area CSA Coalition
- Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship
- Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives Inc.
- Portland Forward
- Portland Harbor Community Coalition
- Portland Jobs With Justice
- Portland Tenants United
- PortLaundry
- Prism House PDX
- Prisma Point
- Propel Studio
- Pyramid Communications
- Right 2 Survive
- ROSE Community Development
- Rosewood Initiative
- SEIU Local 49
- Self Enhancement Inc.
- SERA Architects
- Slow Hand Farm
- Soft Box Films
- Solar Oregon
- Sunbridge Solar
- Sustainable Energy and Economy Network
- SynchroSolar
- The City Repair Project
- The League of Women Voters of Portland
- The Main Street Alliance of Oregon
- The Waypost
- Tivnu: Building Justice
- Twende Solar
- United Nations Association of Portland
- Urban A.G. Solutions
- Urban Greenspaces
- Urban League of Portland
- Vida Massage
- Willamette Riverkeeper
- Wonder Ballroom
Notable Individuals
- Bill McKibben
- Naomi Klein
- Bob Stacey
- Chloe Eudaly
- Jackie Dingfelder
- Jo Ann Hardesty
- Juan Carlos González
- Jules Bailey
- Linda Robinson
- Sam Chase
- State Representative Mitch Greenlick (HD 33)
- State Representative Tawna D. Sanchez (HD 43)
- State Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer (HD 46)
- State Representative Diego Hernandez (HD 47)
- State Senator Lew Frederick (SD 22)
- Tom Kelly
Faith Leaders/Communities
- Ainsworth United Church of Christ
- Bishop David Brauer-Rieke
- Eco-Justice Team of Cascades Presbytery
- Havurah Shalom Governing Board
- Multnomah Friends Meeting
- Pastor Adam Phillips
- Pastor Andy Goebel
- Pastor Craig Boly
- Pastor Donald Frazier
- Pastor Valerie Chapman
- Rabbi Ariel Stone
- Rabbi Callie Schulman
- Rabbi Debra Kolodny
- Reb. Robyn Hartwig
- Rev. Amanda Zentz-Alo
- Rev. Andrew Guthrie
- Rev. Andrew Rickel
- Rev. Aric Clark
- Rev. Beth Neel
- Rev. Bill Gates
- Rev. Cecil Prescod
- Rev. Chris Craun
- Rev. Chris Hyde
- Rev. Connie Yost
- Rev. David C. Dornack
- Rev. David Knapp
- Rev. David Wheeler
- Rev. Dr. Barbara J. Campbell
- Rev. Dr. Janet Parker
- Rev. Dr. Mark Brocker
- Rev. Eilidh Lowry
- Rev. Elizabeth Durant
- Rev. Elizabeth Winslea
- Rev. Erin Martin
- Rev. Greg Neel
- Rev. Heather Wenrick
- Rev. Jonna Alexander
- Rev. Joshua Dunham
- Rev. Joshua Kingsley
- Rev. Julia Nielsen
- Rev. Kate Lore
- Rev. Katie Larsell
- Rev. Kerlin Richter
- Rev. Lynne Snouse Lopez
- Rev. Mark Knutson
- Rev. Melissa Reed
- Rev. Michael Ellick
- Rev. Ron Werner Jr.
- Rev. Sarah Kinsel
- Rev. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin
- Rev. Suzan Ireland
- Rev. Tara Wilkins
- Rev. Vern Groves
- Rev. Walter John Boris
- Rev. William Sinkford
Neighborhood Associations
- Arbor Lodge
- Boise
- Brentwood Darlington
- Brooklyn
- Concordia
- Cully
- Eliot
- Foster Powell
- Hosford Abernathy
- Humboldt
- Kerns
- Linnton
- Piedmont
- Portsmouth
- Powellhurst-Gilbert
- Richmond
- South Madison
- South Tabor
- Sullivan's Gulch
- Sunnyside
- Woodlawn
- Woodstock